Monday, February 13, 2012

Long one, and not very creative, lots of technical stuff.

Ok, so it's now time for the run down of this week.  I am posting a link to this blog on FB, most of you have been catching status updates, but not the whole story.  Which is my doing, as I don't want to be one of those people that leaves a 20 page post, because they took away the 500 character limit.
So everything started on Tuesday.  I went in to the Dr's to do my glucose tolerance test, ya know the 4 hour one, where you get to sit around the office all day?  Ya that one.  Only it really wasn't too bad.  I went in at 8 and had an appointment at 10, and was expected to have my last draw at 11:15.  The time went by fast, but at 1045 I still hadn't gone back for my regular appointment.  I still have 30 min till my last draw, so I was fine.  I was finally taken back on 1050.  I had my weigh in, I gained 13 pounds....yikes!  I just attributed it to all the cake, and chocolate I've been craving.  My blood pressure was a little high, but they said it was probably because of the sugar in my system.  I showed my Dr. my what I called "Chris Farley feet"  And was told to elevate to take care of that problem.  So sweet, no big worries, time to go enjoy the rest of my day off with a long nap, and a book..
So Tuesday night around 1030 I developed a pain in my upper neck, when my skull meets my spine.  I thought it was probably a kink in my neck from reading too much.  That's not a big deal right?  Well Tyler and I went to bed, and a few hours later I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had.  I threw up once in the night, and was in discomfort for the rest of the night.  Tossing and turning in bed, and on the couch.  Worst night ever.
On Wed. I woke up and knew I wouldn't be able to go to work, the pain was just too bad, and I hadn't gotten enough sleep.  Luckily I was able to get someone to cover my closing managers shift at work, and off to the insta care I went.  When I got there, they took my blood pressure and saw that it was elevated but figured it was just because I was in pain.  The chalked it up to a migraine and sent me home with a prescription for Tylenol with codeine to help with the pain.  So off I went to pop some pills and finally get some sleep.  But do you wanna know the funny thing about Tylenol with with codeine??  It just knocks you out, it doesn't take care of the pain.  So I would pass out for 2 hours, wake up, and be in pain for 2 more hours before I could take more.   Kinda crappy deal right?
But I was able to get SOME sleep Wed and was hoping to make it to work on Thursday. I mean I didn't want to use all my sick pay on a stupid headache...I wanted it for Madison.  Too bad I woke up feeling just as bad on Thursday. I called my OB for some advice, and ended up leaving a message for her, and waited to hear back.  After being miserable all day on Thursday, I decided to listen to my husband, who had be suggesting going to a physical therapist to get the kinks worked out.  So after a short session, and some relaxing massage, I walked out feeling much better.
After Tyler got home from work we went and dropped off our rent, and grabbed some dinner (did you know February is $5 foot long at subway again?!)  While we were out and about my Dr. called back and got some more details about my last few days she asked if I could stop in at her office on Friday for a blood pressure check before work.  I was all for that, I figured it wouldn't be a big thing, just stop in real quick check it out and be on my way.  The Dr. also called in a perspiration for Loratab, so that I could get a good nights sleep.
Man oh man did the lortab work!  I got a good nights sleep, and even woke up feeling better!  I got ready for work and headed to the doctors!
I went in and got my BP checked.  Not good news, it was high.  My Dr. told me to go to labor and delivery to have it checked out.  That scared me!  That's never good a thing.  So I called Tyler at work, and told him I was on my way to pick him up on my way to Alta View (where I was going to have the baby).  When we got there is was all kind of a blur, they were waiting for me.  They took me to a room, put me in a gown, and started taking my vitals and nurses rushing in and out.  My doctor was coming over and this doctor had to check this, and confer with him and her.  It was all so confusing I wasn't sure what was going on.  Apparently, I was showing signs of pre eclamssia.  At only 29 weeks, it is way to early to be experiencing symptoms like that.  After a few hours of waiting around a doctor, came and said they needed to transfer me to IMC to get ready for delivery....uh wait what the hell?!  We though we were just going to be monitored to deliver.  To be honest the doctor scared me so bad.  He told us that because my BP was so high I could have a stroke, that they baby could stroke, all worst case situations.  And that I was going to be taken by ambulance to IMC.  Well Tyler put a stop to all the madness for just a minute to call MY doctor and see what she thought.  Eventually we decided it was the right thing to do, so we prepared for a trip to IMC.
After a short trip to IMC via ambulance things went really quickly they hooked me up to all sorts of machines, started taking my BP every 15 min, hooked me up to a Magnesium Sulfate drip (to lower my BP)  and we hunkered down to watch and see.  Then the doctors came.
They handled the situation so much better.  They told us that my BP was showing signs of pre-eclampsia, and that they needed to try to bring my BP down so that they didn't have to deliver Madison.  They were calm, and explained that they were going to do everything they could to bring the BP down so that we wouldn't have to deliver.  They also gave me a shot of beta methasone, a steroid, the had to administered twice to help speed up Madisons lungs in case they had to deliver.
During the night, and thru the next day there was a lot of information to process.  We did everything we could to get my BP down, and keep it down.  And it worked.  I was able to (with the help of medication) bring my BP to a normal level, and KEEP it there!!  My insulin level is still high, and I am on a diabetic diet now, but that's nothing I'll take that!  And last night they passed on the word, that because my BP was doing so well I would get to go "upstairs"  Upstairs is the non critical rooms.  So we were hoping that my vitals would be low enough during the night that we would get to transfer "upstairs"
And this morning we were told that my BP stayed low, and "upstairs" was looking more promising. So they took me off the Magnesium Sulfate to see if my BP could stay down with oral mediation.  But that we would know more around 2-3.  They had to do a bunch of labs, and keep checking my BP.  And then at 4:00 I woke up to some GREAT news!  We got the transfer.  My labs looked good, and my BP has been low, and steady since being here.
So here I am in the non critical rooms, and even though I know I've missed a lot of details, this blog is what happened this weekend in a nutshell.  There is so much information to sift through and some many emotions.  And to be honest I am not ready to bring up those emotions just yet.  It is all still so fresh, and I'd like to keep those close to my heart, and really process them, before sharing them will the "blogesphere"   All I know is that I have the best husband friends, and family, that I girl could ever ask for.  Friends that I haven't seen in years are offering their support, and family is going out of their way to help in whatever way possible.  My husband hasn't left my side, and neither has my sister or mommy.
So the official diagnosis, is pre-eclampsia.  We will be here until I deliver Madison.  And according to Dr.s I will be delivering early, it just depends on how early.  Right now we are shooting for AT LEAST 10-12 days, of course every day in the womb will help, but we are hoping for 10-12 days.
Please check back for I will try to update as I can.  I give small updates on FB  every night.  Thanks for all your love, support and prayers over the last few days, we really do feel it, and appreciate it!
Much love,
The Johnsons!


  1. I think you need a new doctor! My dr would member let you go to Insta care to get another medical bill. My dr bills me for one total amount for the care he gives me NO MATTER what extra things happen! And my doctor would not make you wait that long.... I'm glad you're doing good though'

  2. Hey Shelli, I am sorry you are going through this! It's so interesting to me because I had this exact same thing happen to me with my last pregnancy. It all started with a headache and when I went in they kept me and scared me about possibly delivering that day. I was only 28 weeks and somehow made it to 32 but it was such a terrible experience! I remember that yucky magnesium in my body making my face hot and making my vision so bad I could hardly see 3 feet in front of me. And in one week I gained around 20 lbs of water weight... It wasn't pretty! Oh and the shots to speed up the lung development REALLY hurts huh?! Anyway, my baby wasnt quite 4 lbs when he was born and had to stay in the NICU for 5 weeks. But he is really healthy and hasn't had any problems at all (if that eases your mind at all... I know you are earlier than 32 weeks but the things they can do these days gives your baby such good chances of being healthy). Keep us updated and I will keep you guys in my prayers. Good luck and hang in there!! If you need anything that I can help you with let me know!
