Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oh baby!!

Wow!!  A lot has happened since my last post.  In my last post I was frustrated because Madison's heart wasn't working like they wanted it too.  Her base heart rate was typically around 129-135.  So what they wanted to see was a heart acceleration of 10, twice in a twenty minute period.  Well she just wasn't doing that.  Her heartbeat was staying steady, she just wasn't moving enough to accelerate that little heartbeat.  Which is concerning.  One thing that the placenta does (at least to my knowledge, if I'm wrong let me know)  is to supply Madison with blood, so that she can grow.  Well the pre-eclampsia kinda messes up that whole process.  With the HIGH blood pressure, my heart was making my placenta work too hard, making the veins smaller.  So with the medication we were able to get that under control.  But we knew from the beginning that if placenta decided to quit, that Madison would have to be delivered, despite what my blood pressure was.  Well my placenta decided to quit.  It wasn't pumping enough blood to Madison, so she was basically in survival mode.  Trying to maintain a heart rate that would actually keep her alive.

So on the 23rd, after 2 stress test that showed little movement, they moved me to Labor and Delivery AGAIN, for prolonged testing.  At that point I kind of knew it was over.  They put me back on an IV, and told me no food or drink.  They also put me on oxygen, to try and perk up Madison.  When they took me of food and drink, I know something was up, they don't normally do that unless a C-section is in the future.  So I cried a little and clung onto Tyler when I could.  They watched me through the night.  In the morning the Dr. came in and told me things went well through the night, and that they were taking me off oxygen to see how she would do over 4 hours.  And then I KNEW we were done.  I didn't think they would keep me on oxygen for 3 weeks to get me to 34 weeks.  I think they gave me 4 hours, so that they could be me onto the schedule for a C-section.

At 12:00 pm the nurse came in and said that we were gonna go ahead for a C-section.  So many emotions went through my mind.  She wasn't done cooking, I was ready to let her out of my belly.  C-sections are scary.  Where's my mommy?  Can I be a mommy?  At this point it didn't matter anymore.  It was gonna happen.

The nurse came in and explain pretty much step by step what they would be doing.  And how it would most likely feel.  And then the Dr. from the NICU came in and explained some of the complications that could occur with a preemie birth at this age. He explained that she had a very good chance of thriving.

My sister came, and hung around with Tyler and I until it was time for me to go back to the O.R.  She hung out clear up until it was time for me to go back.  Tyler donned some pretty awesome scrubs that made him look like the Micheline Man.  I got an awesome blue cap, and we were ready.

The nurse gave me the option of walking, a wheel chair, or riding the bed back to the O.R.  I chose to walk.  It had been so long (2 weeks) since I'd been allowed to walk any where but to the bathroom.  My legs were wobbly, a mix of nerves and not using them a lot for 2 weeks.  I remember walking down the hall way holding Tyler's hand, thinking "I can't believe this is about to happen."  The last 2 weeks the possibility of delivery has been lingering in my mind.  Every time they took a BP, every time a doctor came in, every time a nurse asked if I was having any symptoms (which I never did).  And now it was finally time to meet this little girl.

I have never had major surgery before.  Unless you count your wisdom teeth being pulled, which I never did. It was weird walking into the O.R.  It was bright, and there was a table in the middle of the room just for me. Oh man, I'm about to have an C-section.  I sat down on the bed with Tyler in front of me and waited for the anesthesiologist to administer the epidural.  I had to sit at the edge of the bed and curl forward.  I had Tyler directly in front of me, with my hands in his.  So that is what I chose to focus on.  Obviously I'm not sure what was going on behind me.  I could feel something being rubbed on, the doctor pressing down on the spine, and finally it was time for the shot.  I felt in on the right side first.  To begin with, it feels like you are putting just one leg into a warm pool, and then if feels just like your leg fell asleep.  That weird tingly, numb sleep, not the poking painful kind.  And then my left leg went numb.  Now it was time to lie down...mmm ok.  I was numb from my waist down, and you want me to put my legs up? Hahaha yeah, right.  Of course I had a nurse with me the whole time, and Tyler.  So I lay down on my left side from the butt up, and rolled to my back.  Then the Nurse put my legs onto the table for me.

They put a sheet up so I couldn't see.  however they did offer me a mirror if I wanted to see.  I politely declined, I didn't need to see my stomach cut open, belch.  They gave Tyler a stool and parked him above my head to the left.  He had his hand on my head through out.  I had my arms stretched out with IVs running.  And I had what I call the shakes.  It was cold in the O.R.  So I was shivering, but occasionally I would start shaking.  All the medication had something to do with it I'm sure, but I was also scared.

The Doctor asked me if I could feel anything sharp, and I said no.  So they were ready to start.  It is really a strange sensation.  I was laying there looking into my husbands dark brown eyes, totally lucid, while they are cutting me open.  I could feel pressure and tugging, which is kinda icky to think about.  Speaking of icky, Tyler happened to look up (he could see over the sheet without straining) as they were hold up my tummy.  I didn't know this of course.  But all the sudden he started to sway back and forth.  I remember asking him where he was going, and he turned white.  So I told the nurse he was about to pass out.  So they all rushed to his side, took his mask off, and tried to get him to calm down.  And in my head I was thinking "I'm already a mom."  here I was getting major surgery and I'm worrying about whether or not my husband is going to pass out.  Then I found in humorous that I was the one giving birth, and he's hogging all the attention.  Eventually he was well enough to be taken outside to get some fresh air, and a juice.

He wasn't in the room when Madison was born, but I don't think he would have been able to handle a blood covered Madison.  I was just laying there trying to ignore the strange sensations that were going on.  Because really it's enough to make you want to throw up.  Suddenly, the Doc says it was time to pull her out and that I would feel some pressure.  Wow a little pressure?  That was an understatement.  I couldn't feel any pain, but there was more then a little pressure.  But as quickly as it was there, it was gone.  And I strained my ears, and then I heard it.  Her high pitched, pissed off cry!!  Oh I was so happy!  I laughed and sighed.  I didn't know if she was okay, or what she looked like.  But she cried!  That was a pretty good start!

We were told she had to be delivered at just before noon on Feb. 24, 2012.  And at 1:45 pm on Feb 24, 2012 Madison Ann Johnson was born!  It went that quickly.  The nurse was good enough to grab our camera and snap a picture before they  whisked her away to the NICU.  And now it was time to sew Mommy back up.

The sewing me back up is what took the longest.  I have dissolving stitches internally, and staples externally.  When we were first checked into the hospital we were told that there are 2 ways to do the surgery.  One, is a traditional C-section.  For this one, the make a crescent shaped incision horizontally just above the bikini line and go in.  Once in they make ANOTHER horizontal cut in the uterus.  The second type, is more commonly used for emergency c-sections.  They start with a horizontal cut but once inside, the make a vertical incision.  You want them to do the first set of incisions if you can help it.  For one, it makes a vaginal delivery later on, possible.  The also aren't cutting against the grain of muscle separating them.  So it's easier to recover from.  The reason I bring all this up?  Well the doctor said originally that they may have to do a vertical cut through the uterus.  And the reason for that is, the further along you are the thicker the uterine wall is.  If it is too thin, they have to go vertically, simply to be able to stitch it back together.  I was hoping that they would be able to do a traditional C-section, and cut horizontally both internally and externally.  And the 2 weeks was enough for the uterus to thicken, and a traditional C-section was performed.  Whew!

OH I forgot to mention, that Tyler was eventually brought back into the O.R. about 5 minutes after Madison was born.  So he was there to hold my hand and stroke my head while they stitched me up.

The anesthesiologist gave me some pain medication while the surgery was still going.  So in addition to being numb from the boobs down, I was starting to feel loopy.  And itchy!  The medication made my face itch.  Which they told me was normal.  I was instructed to not scratch with my nails, to just rub a little, but try to leave it alone.  Oh yeah right.  I tried my hardest but every couple of minutes, my shaky left hand made it's way up to my nose and lips.  And Tyler would gently scold me, and back down my hand went.

Finally the doctor announced he was done.  He looked over the sheet, and told me I did very well.  Whew.  I did good, and my baby cried , so now take me back to recovery so that I can go see her!

So I could keep going on with this story, but I think I'm gonna break it up a little.  Other wise this post would be super long.  It's a little long now.

I will say, that Madison it doing well.  I went down 3 times today to see her.  And while she is super small, she's a fighter!  She screams when someone hurts her (drawing blood), and it's a pissed of scream.  But oh so cute!  It's amazing to love someone as much as I love her.  I now know about the mama bear instinct.  And I would do anything for my little Madison.  She truly is a huge blessing in my life.  And even though she's only 2 days old, I don't know what I would do without her.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Move baby, move!

I am a little frustrated today.  Madison isn't moving as much as she should...or at least not when they monitor her and try to see the movement in action.  I think she's moving enough.  I mean she was twisting and turning this morning around 6 am when Tyler climbed into my little bed to snuggle me for a minute before getting ready for work.  But since then not a whole lot.  A few kicks and punch here and there, and a flutter occasionally.  But as soon as we go down to do the "stress test".....nuthin.  Her heart rate stays in the 125-135 range, but no big spikes, which is what they want to see.  So now of course I'm worried.  Should I have been paying more attention?  So that I would know if this is unusual?  Can you have baby that's just chill in the womb?  Or is she trying to tell us, that she's had enough and it's time to make an appearance into this world?  I don't want her to be done "cooking"  It's a cold cloudy day, she is safer in my warm tummy and should just stay put.  At least for another 4 weeks.  Once we get to 34 weeks, then I'm good, she can come into this world and I will be a happy momma.  Of course I'll be happy whenever she comes, but 34 weeks gives her time to fatten up and grow a little more.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


In case there was ever any question... I AM SPECIAL!  Or at least a medical oddity, if you talk to my Doctors. Every morning a resident comes in at 6 am to give me an update on my condition.  Followed by an attending at 8-ish (ALWAYS while I'm eating, it's annoying).  And for the last couple of days all they've been able to tell me is "well you're doing good! Any questions?"  And then leave in a flurry of white coats and green scrubs.  Well this morning at around 8 as I was eating my breakfast the attending came in, with a resident and 2 med students. And today they had a little more to tell me.  He said that they haven't ever had someone come in, in such bad shape, only to turn around and be stable for so long.  I was also told that I no longer HAVE to have a c-section. If I continue this way, they should be able to induce me, without any problems.  They also told me that the longest they will keep me here on medication will be 34 weeks.  At 34 weeks if I'm still pregnant, they will induce me.  At 34 weeks, they feel like they should induce.  The baby will thrive when she's born, and shouldn't be in NICU for too long.  They also made sure to say that things could change, my BP could go all haywire again.  Which is always lingering in the back of my mind.  But it is so nice to not worry every time they take my BP (which only happens every 4 hours now)  And I've actually been getting some sleep at night which is always helpful.  But funny thing, when they wake me up out of a deep sleep, my BP is always higher.  Not dangerously high, mind you.  It's still in normal range, just higher.  So maybe just maybe they should just leave me alone.

So now there is a goal in site.  Tyler and I were going for 34 weeks already, but for a doctor to confirm that number makes it real.  Today I am 30.3 weeks.  So only 3 1/2 weeks to go!  And I will finally get to meet my little Miss Madison!

Thanks again for all the prayers, love, and good thoughts over the last 11 days.  I know they are helping.  And I will be forever thankful for them!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Just a short update

Guess what?!  I was able to get out of my room today!  And not just to go down to do the fetal monitoring.  I actually got to get into a wheelchair, and go for a ride!  Tyler took me on a tour of our floor, down to the  main floor, and OUTSIDE!  I only went outside for just a minute but it was so nice to feel the wind on my face.  I haven't been outside since Friday.

So today I am 30.1 weeks.  My Doctors didn't think I would last a couple of days, and here I am a WHOLE week later!  My BP readings have been consistently low for the last 2 days.  The highest today was 140/75.  Which is still well within normal range.  And because of this turn of events I no longer have to have my BP checked every 2 hours, they bumped it up to 4 hours.  So I might actually be able to get some sleep tonight!

 The last two days have been very good for me and Tyler.  And we pray that it continues to go this way, at least for a couple more weeks.  Everyday is a blessing, Miss Madison needs this time to grow big and strong!

Thanks again for all the support that we have received this last week.  It means the world to us!

Friday, February 17, 2012

A little emotional insight...i guess.

I am still in the hospital.  I am still getting my BP checked every 2 hours.  I still have pre-planned meals.  I still get a heparin shot 3 times a day.  I still take 2 kinds of blood pressure medicine three times a day.  I still have a little baby in my belly.  I still have many blessings to be thankful for.

Yesterday was an interesting day.  Well, it started out interesting I should say.  I was woken up by a nurse at 6:00 am telling me they were going to put me back on the IV and that I couldn't eat or drink anymore.  Uh-oh, you know what that means?  That means they are thinking about doing surgery.  The nurse explained that because my BP readings had been so high during the night before, they were considering doing the c-section that morning.  But of course they had to talk to the resident.  Apparently they were going to try to lower my BP with medication one last time.  And then make a decision.  Tyler stopped by on his way to work, and I told him to stick around until they made a decision.  At 9:00 am the word came that my BP had dropped enough to delay delivery again.  The IV came out, and I got breakfast!  And for the rest of the day, thru the night, and today my BP has stayed pretty stable.

I've finally accepted what's going on.  And it's not so scary.  Initially it was so frightening.  I was told that my baby would be born within hours.  I was taken via ambulance to a new hospital because I was expected to deliver that night.  But once there they were able to calm things down.  I've been told several times that delivery is imminent, and to prepare for the worst.  Each time they are able to get things under control.  Let me tell you how emotionally taxing it is to have to go through that everyday.  It gets exhausting, physically and emotionally.  And yesterday morning I just reached the point of acceptance.  We have exhausted every option we have medically to delay birth.  I am on the maximum amount of TWO kinds of blood pressure medication.  So at this point, it's not an "IF" its a "WHEN."  This baby is going to come sooner rather then later.  And the doctors have already bought me and Madison an extra week together.  (Yep I've been here for a week!)  So when the moment comes, I will not pray to delay it anymore.  I will pray for the strength to get through the surgery and to be able to focus on my new baby.  And of course I will pray for Madison to be a tough little girl.  But she's made from some pretty strong stuff.  Her mommy went through this 28years ago when she was born.

I was born at 32 weeks.  (2 weeks further along then Madison) I was just over 4 pounds, 2 more pounds then Madison is expected to be.  My mom was on bed rest for 3 months.  She was at home, but she also had 2 young boys too.  The difference between me and Madison?  Well other then the fact that the medical technology in 1984 isn't near what it is now.  I didn't get a beta methasone shot to speed up the development of my lungs.  So I spent 3 months at Primary Children's Medical Center, trying to grow my lungs.  And I still have a lower lung capacity then someone born at full term.  But I made it!!  And I thrived.  So if I can so can she!

But it still scares me.  Do you know how small 2 pounds is?  That is tiny!!  How am I going to take care of that?  I have a hard time holding a full term newborn that weighs 8 + pounds.  And they want me to hold a 2 pounder....uhhh HELP!  My mommy told me that it will come naturally though.  So I will trust that.  But it's still mind boggling to me.

Ok, so my pre-planned meal just showed up.  I'm gonna go try to eat it.  And tomorrow I plan to still be in the hospital, getting my vitals taken, shots given, and blessing counted!  I just may or may not have a baby in my belly, but that's not really up to me.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentines Day??? Exciting anyway.

Yesterday was Valentines Day!!!  Wheee!  Super exciting right? Meh, not so much.  I don't really care so much about Valentines Day (or as my sister calls is, National Condom Awareness Day).  My birthday is on Feb. 3rd, and to be honest I would rather celebrate my birthday in a BIG way, and forget about V-day.  So for the past 3 years Tyler and I have gone somewhere for my birthday, and then on V-day, just said "Happy Valentines Day" "be mine" and quick kiss, and called it a day.  But for the first time since we've been together Tyler and I actually had plans for V-day.  It was nothing big, I was going to make his favorite meal.  And thaw out his favorite Marie Callanders pie.  Then we were gonna watch a movie.  Well obviously that wasn't going to happen.  I couldn't exactly make dinner.  Although I suppose I could have thawed out a pie here at the hospital.  I couldn't have eaten eat, so why torture myself.  Even though those plans fell thru, I was determined to have a decent day.

Tyler went back to work for the first time since I came to the hospital, and so I got to spend the day with my Mommy.  Yesterday morning started out "normally".  I had my pre-planned breakfast, and got my shots, and vitals taken.  Just a normal day for me.  After breakfast I had some flowers delivered!  Some pretty white and pink daisies from my mommy.  I haven't gotten flowers in ages!  And of course my  Mommy knows that daisies are my favorite!  So that alone would have made my day.

I was able to get a shower in, which you don't even know how good a shower feels, when you are trapped in the hospital.  And I even dried and did my hair.  I felt half way normal!  It's a good thing I showered too.  My Uncle Bret stopped by.  He is my moms little brother, and I haven't seen him since my wedding.  And he brought me MORE daisies!!!  These ones are orange and yellow.  It was nice to see some of my extended family.  I don't see my Mom's family often.  And it was cool that they actually cared enough to come see me.  Although I'm sure they came to see my Mom as much as me.  After chatting for a little bit he left, and my mom and I were left to the quite again.

My dad made his daily stop, and brought me MORE flowers!  A big bouquet of white, red and pink flowers.  I have no clue what kind of flowers they are, but they sure smell good.  I have a room full of flowers at this point, and I wasn't done yet.  Tyler's work sent me an amazing bouquet as well.  Full of lillys roses, and MORE daisies!  And last but not least, Tyler brought me one last vase of pink daisies.  Lemme tell you what I have never gotten so many flowers in my life!  OH and I didn't just get flowers!  Sherri brought me a stuffed teddy bear with a HUGE baby monkey  balloon attached.  She has decided she's going to call Madison "monkey"  which I am totally fine with.  Aunt Sherri, can call that little girl monkey all day long.  So needless to say, I was a little spoiled yesterday.

So for a Valentines Day stuck in the hospital, it wasn't turning out half bad....and then the sun went down.  As you all know, the Dr's are trying to keep my blood pressure under control.  They've got me on the maximum dosage of 2 different BP medications.  So there really isn't much else they can do if it continues to go up.  Of course I already knew that.  The only cure for pre-eclampsia is delivery, so eventually it's going to happen.  But I just want to keep Madison in my belly for as long as I can.  Well last night all of my BP readings were elevated, so the resident Dr decided it would be best to send me back downstairs.  It was looking like it was time to deliver.  At least that's how the nurses were acting.  So I broke down.  I was so scared, I really don't want to go back downstairs.  I'm not quite ready to let this little girl out yet.  But we went downstairs anyway.  And of course once we got down there, we found out that it wasn't quite the emergency we thought it was.  The Dr, just wanted me to be were they could watch me closer for a few hours.  And once we got down there things started to calm down a little, enough to send me BACK upstairs.

I think there were some issues with the nurses and CNA's.  Now I DO NOT know how to do their jobs, and have no clue how hard it is to be a nurse or CNA.  But I DO know how hard it is to be a patient.  Every time they couldn't get the BP cuff to work, or would decide to run the test again because it was high and "had to be wrong"  I get worked up and nervous.  And I don't know they exact details on what effects the BP readings, but I know that if my heart is racing because I'm worried about it, then it's gonna mess some stuff up.  So while I was downstairs I told one of the nurses, how disappointed I was in the care I was receiving upstairs.  And while she couldn't do anything about it herself, she passed the information along to the charge nurse upstairs.  And today things have been going much better.  My BP's are still a little high, but are stable for the time being.  I've been practicing the art of meditation, and relaxing.  And while I know relaxing will only delay the inevitable, it's something I have to do.  Because I am going to try and delay the inevitable for as long as I can!

So that is my update from yesterday.  Nothing excited has happened today.  Just a relaxing massage, and some more quality time with my mommy!  And we're hoping that when the sun goes down, nothing crazy will happen!

Monday, February 13, 2012

More coherent update tonight!

So tonight is night ahhhh lemme see four, night 4 being in the hospital.  Whooo, almost 5 nights, and Madison is still safely tucked into my tummy still.  So 5 nights, is 4 nights more then the doctors originally thought I would have.  And even though it's been hard on Mommy, and family, for me to be here, I really am glad I'm here and still pregnant.

Today, was a pretty uneventful day.  My BP went up a little higher then we would have liked, so they tweaked my meds a little, and as of 8:00 it was back down, way down.  So hopefully this new medication will keep doing it's job for a little while.

We got to see little miss Madison today on ultrasound.  She is measuring a hefty 2.7 pounds right now.  So that little girl needs to just stay put and start packing on some pounds!

So here I am 4 days later, and still pregnant, and still growing what I know will be a beautiful little girl in my belly.  It's been rough and I would really rather be in my bed, not this hospital bed.  You better bet your butts, that I will do it for Miss Madison.  I just hope she waits, until she's gained a few pounds before she makes her first appearance.

One more day down, one more blessing to add to our list.  And every day will be a blessing until we see that little girl.

And for my buddies in the SLC area, I am in the Murray IMC hospital, and would love visitors.  Please FB me, text me, or e-mail me.  I will let you know when a good time would be, and what room I'm in. :)

Thanks again for all your support!!

Long one, and not very creative, lots of technical stuff.

Ok, so it's now time for the run down of this week.  I am posting a link to this blog on FB, most of you have been catching status updates, but not the whole story.  Which is my doing, as I don't want to be one of those people that leaves a 20 page post, because they took away the 500 character limit.
So everything started on Tuesday.  I went in to the Dr's to do my glucose tolerance test, ya know the 4 hour one, where you get to sit around the office all day?  Ya that one.  Only it really wasn't too bad.  I went in at 8 and had an appointment at 10, and was expected to have my last draw at 11:15.  The time went by fast, but at 1045 I still hadn't gone back for my regular appointment.  I still have 30 min till my last draw, so I was fine.  I was finally taken back on 1050.  I had my weigh in, I gained 13 pounds....yikes!  I just attributed it to all the cake, and chocolate I've been craving.  My blood pressure was a little high, but they said it was probably because of the sugar in my system.  I showed my Dr. my what I called "Chris Farley feet"  And was told to elevate to take care of that problem.  So sweet, no big worries, time to go enjoy the rest of my day off with a long nap, and a book..
So Tuesday night around 1030 I developed a pain in my upper neck, when my skull meets my spine.  I thought it was probably a kink in my neck from reading too much.  That's not a big deal right?  Well Tyler and I went to bed, and a few hours later I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had.  I threw up once in the night, and was in discomfort for the rest of the night.  Tossing and turning in bed, and on the couch.  Worst night ever.
On Wed. I woke up and knew I wouldn't be able to go to work, the pain was just too bad, and I hadn't gotten enough sleep.  Luckily I was able to get someone to cover my closing managers shift at work, and off to the insta care I went.  When I got there, they took my blood pressure and saw that it was elevated but figured it was just because I was in pain.  The chalked it up to a migraine and sent me home with a prescription for Tylenol with codeine to help with the pain.  So off I went to pop some pills and finally get some sleep.  But do you wanna know the funny thing about Tylenol with with codeine??  It just knocks you out, it doesn't take care of the pain.  So I would pass out for 2 hours, wake up, and be in pain for 2 more hours before I could take more.   Kinda crappy deal right?
But I was able to get SOME sleep Wed and was hoping to make it to work on Thursday. I mean I didn't want to use all my sick pay on a stupid headache...I wanted it for Madison.  Too bad I woke up feeling just as bad on Thursday. I called my OB for some advice, and ended up leaving a message for her, and waited to hear back.  After being miserable all day on Thursday, I decided to listen to my husband, who had be suggesting going to a physical therapist to get the kinks worked out.  So after a short session, and some relaxing massage, I walked out feeling much better.
After Tyler got home from work we went and dropped off our rent, and grabbed some dinner (did you know February is $5 foot long at subway again?!)  While we were out and about my Dr. called back and got some more details about my last few days she asked if I could stop in at her office on Friday for a blood pressure check before work.  I was all for that, I figured it wouldn't be a big thing, just stop in real quick check it out and be on my way.  The Dr. also called in a perspiration for Loratab, so that I could get a good nights sleep.
Man oh man did the lortab work!  I got a good nights sleep, and even woke up feeling better!  I got ready for work and headed to the doctors!
I went in and got my BP checked.  Not good news, it was high.  My Dr. told me to go to labor and delivery to have it checked out.  That scared me!  That's never good a thing.  So I called Tyler at work, and told him I was on my way to pick him up on my way to Alta View (where I was going to have the baby).  When we got there is was all kind of a blur, they were waiting for me.  They took me to a room, put me in a gown, and started taking my vitals and nurses rushing in and out.  My doctor was coming over and this doctor had to check this, and confer with him and her.  It was all so confusing I wasn't sure what was going on.  Apparently, I was showing signs of pre eclamssia.  At only 29 weeks, it is way to early to be experiencing symptoms like that.  After a few hours of waiting around a doctor, came and said they needed to transfer me to IMC to get ready for delivery....uh wait what the hell?!  We though we were just going to be monitored to deliver.  To be honest the doctor scared me so bad.  He told us that because my BP was so high I could have a stroke, that they baby could stroke, all worst case situations.  And that I was going to be taken by ambulance to IMC.  Well Tyler put a stop to all the madness for just a minute to call MY doctor and see what she thought.  Eventually we decided it was the right thing to do, so we prepared for a trip to IMC.
After a short trip to IMC via ambulance things went really quickly they hooked me up to all sorts of machines, started taking my BP every 15 min, hooked me up to a Magnesium Sulfate drip (to lower my BP)  and we hunkered down to watch and see.  Then the doctors came.
They handled the situation so much better.  They told us that my BP was showing signs of pre-eclampsia, and that they needed to try to bring my BP down so that they didn't have to deliver Madison.  They were calm, and explained that they were going to do everything they could to bring the BP down so that we wouldn't have to deliver.  They also gave me a shot of beta methasone, a steroid, the had to administered twice to help speed up Madisons lungs in case they had to deliver.
During the night, and thru the next day there was a lot of information to process.  We did everything we could to get my BP down, and keep it down.  And it worked.  I was able to (with the help of medication) bring my BP to a normal level, and KEEP it there!!  My insulin level is still high, and I am on a diabetic diet now, but that's nothing I'll take that!  And last night they passed on the word, that because my BP was doing so well I would get to go "upstairs"  Upstairs is the non critical rooms.  So we were hoping that my vitals would be low enough during the night that we would get to transfer "upstairs"
And this morning we were told that my BP stayed low, and "upstairs" was looking more promising. So they took me off the Magnesium Sulfate to see if my BP could stay down with oral mediation.  But that we would know more around 2-3.  They had to do a bunch of labs, and keep checking my BP.  And then at 4:00 I woke up to some GREAT news!  We got the transfer.  My labs looked good, and my BP has been low, and steady since being here.
So here I am in the non critical rooms, and even though I know I've missed a lot of details, this blog is what happened this weekend in a nutshell.  There is so much information to sift through and some many emotions.  And to be honest I am not ready to bring up those emotions just yet.  It is all still so fresh, and I'd like to keep those close to my heart, and really process them, before sharing them will the "blogesphere"   All I know is that I have the best husband friends, and family, that I girl could ever ask for.  Friends that I haven't seen in years are offering their support, and family is going out of their way to help in whatever way possible.  My husband hasn't left my side, and neither has my sister or mommy.
So the official diagnosis, is pre-eclampsia.  We will be here until I deliver Madison.  And according to Dr.s I will be delivering early, it just depends on how early.  Right now we are shooting for AT LEAST 10-12 days, of course every day in the womb will help, but we are hoping for 10-12 days.
Please check back for I will try to update as I can.  I give small updates on FB  every night.  Thanks for all your love, support and prayers over the last few days, we really do feel it, and appreciate it!
Much love,
The Johnsons!