Tuesday, February 21, 2012


In case there was ever any question... I AM SPECIAL!  Or at least a medical oddity, if you talk to my Doctors. Every morning a resident comes in at 6 am to give me an update on my condition.  Followed by an attending at 8-ish (ALWAYS while I'm eating, it's annoying).  And for the last couple of days all they've been able to tell me is "well you're doing good! Any questions?"  And then leave in a flurry of white coats and green scrubs.  Well this morning at around 8 as I was eating my breakfast the attending came in, with a resident and 2 med students. And today they had a little more to tell me.  He said that they haven't ever had someone come in, in such bad shape, only to turn around and be stable for so long.  I was also told that I no longer HAVE to have a c-section. If I continue this way, they should be able to induce me, without any problems.  They also told me that the longest they will keep me here on medication will be 34 weeks.  At 34 weeks if I'm still pregnant, they will induce me.  At 34 weeks, they feel like they should induce.  The baby will thrive when she's born, and shouldn't be in NICU for too long.  They also made sure to say that things could change, my BP could go all haywire again.  Which is always lingering in the back of my mind.  But it is so nice to not worry every time they take my BP (which only happens every 4 hours now)  And I've actually been getting some sleep at night which is always helpful.  But funny thing, when they wake me up out of a deep sleep, my BP is always higher.  Not dangerously high, mind you.  It's still in normal range, just higher.  So maybe just maybe they should just leave me alone.

So now there is a goal in site.  Tyler and I were going for 34 weeks already, but for a doctor to confirm that number makes it real.  Today I am 30.3 weeks.  So only 3 1/2 weeks to go!  And I will finally get to meet my little Miss Madison!

Thanks again for all the prayers, love, and good thoughts over the last 11 days.  I know they are helping.  And I will be forever thankful for them!

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