Thursday, March 22, 2012

I just don't know yet.

As I was laying in bed last night, trying to get Tyler to have a late night conversation (it didn't last long, he started snoring before I could finish my thoughts lol)  I realized something.  I am still having struggles with Madison being in the NICU.  

My little Miss Madison is doing very well, and our days have become pretty routine.  I get the at 8:00ish, take her temp., change a diaper (sometimes 2 if she's not done with the first one yet), clean her little face, and feed her.  Then we get some cuddle time in, and then we repeat every 3 hours.  I stay from 8-1230 or 1, and then I come home and take care of my domestic stuff.  And then after dinner Tyler and I go back to hospital for a few more hours.  

But despite the routine we have, and the shaky confidence we are gaining, in learning how to take care of her, and that we are slowly getting closer to taking her home.  In the back of my mind I worry that things might take a turn for the worst.  It's hard to hear the calls for "code blue", and see the life flight crew walking around.  I know that it could have very easily been us.  But thank heavens it wasn't, and I pray every night that is isn't ever us.  

You know what the most annoying thing people ask us now that she's been in the hospital for just about a month?  "When is she coming home?"  Or any variation of that question.  Let me answer for you?  I DON'T KNOW!  Of course I don't answer that way, but sometimes I would like to.  I usually opt for the polite "well it depends on her, and how she continues to do."  

I know people are asking because the are curious.  But guess what?  So I am.  I wish I knew when she is coming home.  I wish I had an exact date for when I can bring her to her home, and tuck her into her bed.  But the fact is, I don't know.  And I won't know until a few days before I can bring her home.  I believe me, when I find out what that date is I will shout from the roof tops that my baby is coming home! So until that day, I will keep answering the questions, that people will keep asking.  

And this is pretty much what I would have told my sleepy husband, had he not started snoring during the middle of my thoughts. :) 

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