Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gimmie a Break, Gimmie a Break!

So I went to the doctors' office today...and for the first time in ohhhhh 4 months, it wasn't for me.  I went with my husband.  On Thanksgiving Day, my husband went to the annual Turkey Bowl, that a bunch of boys/ men from his parents ward play every year.  He didn't go last year cause it was snowing.  But this year the morning dawned bright and cold, so off he went to play.  As he was playing I pulled my butt out of bed intent on baking and making some sweets, oh but I wasn't feeling good enough to sit let alone stand to bake (I had a headache), but I'm going off in another direction.  I was hoping he would make it back to me in one piece.  The last time he played a friendly game of "tag/flag/touch" football he ended up head butting his best friend and getting 40+ stitches in his eyebrow.  Apparently, boys just don't know how to play "tag/flag/touch" football, it always turns into some form of tackle football.
So after playing for a couple hours, he comes home all smiles and pink faced, holds up his hand and proudly states that he busted his finger (which was splinted with a pencil...boys) BUT he was voted MVP! So naturally it was worth it.  Well we wrapped it up, cleaned up, and stopped at Wal-Mart for a real splint and then off to Thanksgiving dinner we went.
He was in pain, but man he took like a champ, he played with my nieces and nephew, and joined in on the family leaf fight (that I missed cause of my headache).  It was swollen, and hurt like the dickens (I imagine).  But we kept in wrapped and him on a constant stream of Advil.  The swelling went down some, and the pain faded away, so we decided that it must have just been jammed.  That's no biggie.  Oh, we were wrong.
On Sunday the swelling came back, and Monday morning on my way to work he text me, to get him an appointment at the Dr.'s ASAP.  So being the best wife ever, I did.  And that's where we spent the afternoon today.
The Doctor informed us, that persistent swelling is typically indicative of a break (silly us).  He took an x-ray, and I crossed my fingers that there wouldn't be a break.  I was let down.  He has a diagonal fracture above his middle joint on his left pinky finger.  It's a clean break (good) it's been broken for a week and a half (bad).  So now, we have to go see a specialist, and hopefully they won't have to re-break his finger.  The Dr. is going to call us with a name, and then we will make another appointment and go from there.  But for now he has his finger wrapped and immobile.
And BTW the staff at West Jordan Medical Center is amazing! I have all my prenatal visits there, they have the capabilities to do x-rays, and blood testing on site.  If anyone is looking for a health care provider, I would highly recommend them.

P.S.  We will be finding out the sex of the baby next Tuesday!!  We're hoping for a boy, so fingers crossed.  I will update as soon as we know!   

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Well, last night was interesting, to say the least.  I was at work, when I get a call from Tyler at 6:00 ish.  Telling me that I need to go look at his car (I drove it to work yesterday) because the police department just called and said it had been involved in a wreck.  My first thought was oh great someone stole the car and then wrecked it.  So I go grab my keys and run outside.  The car was still there (sigh of relief) but as I walked around the side of it...THE WHOLE FRONT BUMPER IS ON THE GROUND! And the left headlight is SITTING ON TOP of the hood.  Oh man was I pissed!  The police officer was there, and the guy that hit the car (thank heavens he was a good person)  The cop said "well as you can see he did a little damage to the car"  I looked at him and said "A LITTLE DAMAGE?!  HALF MY CAR IS ON THE GROUND!"  So after getting the insurance reports and everything I call Tyler back tell him what happened.  And so he came to my work and delt with the tow and all that crap pretty much until I got off at 9:45.  I felt bad for him.  He had only been home for a few minutes before he got the call.  He was still in his work clothes even.  It was a long day for him.
Right now he is at Enterprise picking up the rental car.  Then he gets to call the insurance company and the repair shop to make sure everything is in order.
The whole situation sucks.  But at least neither on of us were actually in the car.  And we still have so much to be thankful for.
So a word of advice,  If you drive a big pick up truck.  A) Make sure you are skilled enough to drive it in a small parking lot.  and B) If you are going to park in the busiest part of the parking lot, make sure you have enough room to get IN AND OUT of the spot with out destroying another car.  That is all.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Some not so good news, and then some GREAT news!!

So, it's been ohhh about 2 months since I wrote a blog, and I figured it was time.  So a lot has happened in the last 2 months.  First thing I should mention, is that I have been moved back into my old position at work.  I am done with my training to be an assistant manager, and I was given the opportunity to apply for the Assistant Managers position at my store.  Unfortunately I was not offered the position, much to my disappointment.  Would I say I am a little upset by it?  Um.......ya I am.  I wish I could say that I am fine with it, but if I'm totally honest (and what a better place then blogspot to be honest) I am disappointed that I got passed over for this promotion.  I have worked for Michaels' for a long 9 years and feel like I am ready for this position.  Plus, lets be honest, a pay raise would have been a nice plus :)  But I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. And I think I have fully come to accept that today.
The other exciting news that we have come into in the last 2 months is that Tyler and I are expecting our first baby!!!  Which is far more exciting then the job news.  Maybe I should have led with this news?  Meh oh well.  Moving right along... I am about 13 weeks along.  And so far things have been going pretty smoothly.  I have only had a few episodes of throwing up.  Two to be exact.  When I first found out I was pregnant I was a little nervous that I would suffer from some horrible morning sickness, but aside from a few food aversions (eggs being the worst by far but that's another story)  things have been going very well.  Lately I have been having these horrible sinus headaches.  I have always suffered from headaches, but I have always been able to take pain medications for them,  but NOW things are different.  I have been told that Tylenol is okay, but it seems that the baby does not like Tylenol, as it comes right back up.  The Tylenol is actually the culprit of the few episodes of throwing up I've had.  I am on some antibiotics for a sinus infection, so I'm hoping once I'm done my headaches will be reduced significantly.
Ya know how I said earlier that I had accepted the fact that I didn't get the Assistants job?  Well I think that the reason I didn't is because I'm pregnant.  And no I am not saying that the bigwigs didn't give me the job because I'm preggers.  I feel like the opportunity wasn't supposed to be mine right now.  I have been pretty sick with these headaches this last week.  It would have been nearly impossible for me to take sick days had I  gotten the job.  So I have to say I would much rather have my baby, and start my family then start a new job.
Well this blog has gone on long enough.  I will try to write a couple more times in the next 2 months, although I'm not making any promises :D

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Work and Star Trek

Well I have slacking on my blog updates.  I'm sure I have some stories in my head (somewhere) that are interesting.  But I have a hard time thinking that anyone would actually want to read them.  For one, I just don't think I am a very good writer, and an even worse speller.  So I have a hard time subjecting people to my writing.  However, if you are reading this, then you must find it entertaining...to a point.

So what should I write about today?  Nothing really exciting has been going on lately. Tyler got a new job today!  I guess that's pretty exciting!  He will be working 8-500 now instead of 12:30-10ish.  Which is awesome of course now we just have to hope that  nothing changes with my job, and that I can continue working mostly day shifts.  That's the problem with working retail.  Something is always changing.  For now, I am super excited to be able to see my husband for more then a couple of hours a day.  It will be interesting to see if after almost 11 months of marriage, we decide we still like each other lol.  We dated long distance for 10 months before I moved up to SLC.  Only seeing each other on the weekends, and not every weekend.  And then when I finally did move to SLC he was working 2 jobs, so we kept to the weekends.  For the entire time we've been married we've worked pretty opposite schedules.  With this new job, we will actually get to see each other!!!   Of course I am just kidding around about maybe not liking each other.  I think we might actually fall more in love, if that's possible ;)

I have taken to watching a new show.  It is one that I remember watching as a child, and I still enjoy it.  I wish I could say that same about my husband.  He can not stand my show.  The show I am talking about it of course STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION!!  It was so funny, I was watching it the other night (on Netflix) and my husband turned to me as asked; "Are you really a Trekie?"  He couldn't believe he married a Trekie.  Much to my amusement.  It's just one of many secrets that you hold onto when you're still dating, hoping that if you reveal it AFTER getting married, they will still love you.  And indeed he does still love me!  He even lets me watch an episode or two when he is in the room.  He may not like Star Trek, but thank heavens he also doesn't care for Star Wars.  I don't know if I could be married to a man that like Star Wars.  And I have a very important question.  What do they call fans of Star Wars?

Well I guess that's enough for tonight, maybe I will think of something more exciting to talk about next time!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Exciting News!!

Well I have some excited news to share....are you ready?  Really Ready?? 
I got a promotion...of sorts!  No, no babies yet, sorry to let you all down. 
So as I mentioned I got promoted...Sorta.  I know you're all think what does that mean?  A sort of promotion.  Well it's kind of a long story so get ready.
On Wednesday when I finally was able to get back to work after my stupid hearing aid fiasco.  I walked into the office and my boss was already talking to the assistant manager and one of the department managers, so when I walked in he called in the last department manager and told us he had to talk to us.  He informed us that Bart the Assistant was going to go up to the Park City store for about 12 weeks to run their store while the Manager takes a leave of absence.   And what that meant for our store was that there were going to be bringing in another manager.  Not one to be an assistant but to take on the responsibilities that Bart had.  And it would just be a temporary position as well.  I didn't think anything of it.  I figured they were planning on bringing in someone from another store (which they have done before).  Mark (the store manager)  then told us to keep it all on the down low and not tell anyone, because they still had to get the temporary position filled. 
After that was all said, I had to stay in the office to talk to Mark about the dealio with my hearing aids. He said he had to talk to me about what was going on.  You see I just recently was placed in the "bridge" program.  which is just a program to train department managers to be assistant managers.  However I wasn't sure when it was supposed to start (it started today by the way).  So Mark tells me that he would like me to fill in for Bart while he is gone.  I was stunned.  I have been in framing for so long (6 years), I was beginning to think that I wouldn't ever be able to get out of framing.  Of course I told Mark that I would love to take the opportunity to learn how to do Bart's job while actually DOING Bart's job. 
So while it isn't an official promotion I am super excited to have the chance to get out of framing and spread my wings!  And it is a step towards an actual promotion.  And what is even better then getting the chance to learn and show everyone what I'm made of is that...I GET EVERY OTHER WEEKEND OFF!!!!  I haven't had a weekend off without requesting it in over a year.  So for three months I will have 2 weekends off every month!!!  I can't wait!!!
So starting on Monday I will be the temporary sorta assistant manager!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Crappy Weekend for Me.

So if you read my last blog you would have seen that my husbands birthday weekend was not a good one for me.  And that it was a story for another day.  Well today is another day!!
So the weekend actually started really well I went shopping with Misti on Friday and we had dessert with her parents before going back to her house where we chatted for hours.  Then Saturday started out pretty well too.  Tyler and I got up and went to Wal-Mart to get my niece a birthday present, and we drove over to my brothers house for the party.  That even started out well.  And then about 45 minutes into the party I noticed that my hearing aid was starting to sound a little funny, but I figured it was probably just the noise level. I decided to go into the other room and take a look at it.  Well when I took it out and then put it back in, it was like I had put an earplug back in my ear.  I've had one or the other of my hearing aids go out before so it normally wouldn't have been a big deal, but my other hearing aid had been dead for a couple weeks already.  So I was already down one hearing aid, and to loose this one, I had a small melt-down.  I should have taken my other hearing aid in when it first went out, but it isn't under warranty anymore and it is pretty costly to get them repaired so i hadn't taken it in yet.
So there I was at my husbands and nieces birthday parties and I couldn't hear much.  I'm not totally deaf, just enough to say "what" every four or five seconds.  It's enough to put me in a bad mood and be grouchy.  And as luck would have it this all happened on Saturday so the hearing aid place (Audibel) was closed for the weekend.  So I was stuck for the weekend.  I tried to make the most of it, but let me tell ya it was hard.
We were down there to celebrate my husbands birthday so I wanted to do my best to make it fun for him still.  Luckily we have very understanding friends and they take our constant "what's" with good humor and never make us feel bad about it. 
On Monday I was able to go into Audibell.  After going in they were not able to do anything for me.  Which I knew they wouldn't, but I had to try. 
After making the 4 hour drive home, and eating dinner, I was finally feeling better.  I was home in my own environment and I got to sleep in my own bed. 
This morning Tyler and I went to the Audibell up here and I have one back, so I am half way there!  It's enough for me to be able to go back to work with only minimal problems.  And in a week and a half to two weeks, I will be at full strength!!
This whole situation is super frustrating for me for the most part I don't mind that I were hearing aids.  But whenever something like this happens I get upset and I wish i didn't have a hearing problem.  It can make life difficult and very stressful for me.  I was worried about what I was going to do about work.  I work in retail, and I have to interact with customers on a day to day basis how do I help them if I can't hear them.  But thank Heavens that's not something I have to worry about.  At least not this time. 
So now we are back from vacation and going to get back to our normal routine and if a few weeks we will be heading back to St. George for another long weekend.  And I'm already looking forward to it. After this stressful trip I need one were I can actually relax.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Birthday weekend!

So this weekend is a weekend of birthdays, 2 to be exact.  Tyler and my youngest niece Kate.  Tyler turned 27 on June 11th, and he shares his birthday with Kate who turned one!
Because of these big birthdays we decided to come down south and enjoy some of the summer heat that we can't seem to get up in Salt Lake.  And boy is Tyler a spoiled birthday boy!  He gets to golfing 3 days in a row!  I got him a golf pass that includes discounted prices on most of the courses in Utah, and three of his friends also got the same pass.  So the decided to come down as well and go golfing with him. 
We made the trip down on Thursday night at 9:30.  I will never figure out why we do this to ourselves but we like to drive down the night before so that we can spend as much time at our destination.  So we got to Misti's house at like 2 am.  Misti is a great friend who let us invade her house for a long weekend. 

And I felt bad about getting there so late, but in my defense we should have gotten there around 1:30 but stupid road construction slowed us down.  I forgot how much road construction the state does during the summer months. There is of course the never ending Utah county constuction (which is a reason not to go down to happy valley) then there was some construction about Payson followed by some I think it was around Fillmore, and then the worst (after utah county) was the Black Ridge.  Ugh they had the entire thing down to one lane!! And you'd think because we got there around 1 am the traffic wounldn't be bad, but oh man, we went 25-35 the whole way!
Briggs enjoying yogurt at Costco
So we spent Friday shopping and to dinner with Misti, Allen and Briggs.  We went to Ponchos and Leftys I LOVE THAT PLACE! and since we don't have one in SLC I like to go when I'm down visiting in St. George.  Friday was a pretty laid back day.  I stayed up way to late chatting with Misti, but she's my best friend and we had some catching up to do. 
Yesterday was the big day!  Kate and Tylers birthday!  Kates birthday party was at noon.  So Tyler and I made it over to Nicks house around 11:30.  We were early but I wanted to see Meg and Jaxon before the party started.  Man I miss those kids they are so cute!  Nick and Linds put on a great lunch spread of sandwiches and summer salads.  After eating lunch we sang to Kate and Tyler (I thought it was sweet of Nick to suggest we sing to Tyler he even had his own candle) And then it was time to open presents.  And like most one year olds, she was more interested in the paper and the boxes then the actual toys.


The Birthday Girl!!
After the little party Tyler went to get some golfing in with Tony.  When he was done, the three of us went to Benja's for sushi followed by more shopping!  Funny thing, you would think because I'm the girl I would have down all the spending...nope that honor belongs to Tony he bought some in just about every store we went into.  I plan on teasing him quite a bit over that now :D
And that brings us to today (sunday)  After a great breakfast at The Bear Paw (why did I never go there when I live in St. George?!!) Tyler and Tony went golfing with Jeremy and Jacob.  And the lucy boy has one more day of golfing. 
Like I said spoiled birthday boy :D

But I do love him and I'm glad he's have a great weekend.  Me on the other hand...not so much, but that's a story for another day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Blog EVER!

Well this here is my very first blog...I'm not quite sure what to type.  So I guess I will do a little refresher course for you all.  So it may be a long first blog.

Since this blog is about Tyler and me, I guess I will tell you about us. 

Tyler and I both have hearing problems.  We are NOT deaf (just to clarify that right away).  I was born with perfect hearing and 3 months premature, so as close as anyone can guess, some of the medication I was on to keep me alive ended up damaging my hearing.  And it was not discovered until at 3 years old, my twin (Sherri) almost got hit by a car because she couldn't hear my mom yelling at her to move. She is also heard of hearing.  Now as far as Tyler is concerned we think his hearing loss came about because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck three times when he was born.  But no real medical reason was ever found for either one of us. 

So because we both have hearing problems, our parents enrolled us into the Utah School for the Deaf.  I started with 2 years of pre-school and Tyler joined my class in Kindergarten.  We spent Kindergarten and 1st grade in the same class.  And because our hearing loss was mild in relation to the other kids in our class, we were "mainstreamed" after 1st grade.  So off we went to our separate schools.  And for the next 19 years we would live our lives and have no contact with each other. 

Then one day I got an e-mail from a familiar name on Facebook.  A Tyler Johnson e-mailed me.  I was shocked.  I hadn't talking to this boy for YEARS and here he was on facebook.  I hadn't really thought about him much in the last 19 years and it had never crossed my mind to find anyone from our class on Facebook.  So we started e-mailing and chatting online, which turned into texting and phone calls, and finally to dating.  After dating for 13 months we got married on September 18, 2010, in the Jordan River LDS temple.  I was one of the best days of my life!  And I'm pretty sure I can say the same for him.

In the 6 months that we've been married we've moved twice :) but each time we do it's to a better place.  So as stressful as it is to move, I'm OK with it.  Right now we are currently residing in Kearns, UT.  In a cute 2 bedroom house.  It's just the two of us, so it's all the space we need.  Although my doggie Rowdy, will be joining us shortly. 

So at some point I will post some pictures, but right now I am not sure how to go about doing that.  Seeing as how I am new to this whole blogging thing.  And I currently have no followers, so I'm not terribly worried about it ha. 

Well I would say that this is enough of a blog for now, so until next time!!!  And maybe by then I will learn how to post some pictures!